Residential and Commercial Re-Key

Residential And Commercial Re-Key

Save time, money, and earn peace-of-mind by getting your locks re-keyed.

If you just moved into a new place, you should get your 'locks changed',  a.k.a Re-keyed. Re-keying saves you the hassle and expense of buying new locks and than spending the whole day installing them. You don't know who still holds keys to your new place, and it's better to be safe than sorry.

If you had your purse stolen...the thief has your keys and your this situation, it would be foolish Not to get your locks changed immediately. Call us, we can usually provide same-day re-key service. 

Re-keying is the process of changing out the pins inside the lock, so that the old keys no longer turn the lock, and the lock now takes a different key!

So what are you waiting for? Call us Now for immediate lock-change service or to set up an appointment!

The experts at South Chalotte Locksmith are ready to help you out with affordable, high quality Lock Change service!
Call Now!
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